How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off


I’m a firm believer that every single person on the planet has what it takes to lose weight. It’s all about finding the right mindset, setting realistic goals and following through with those goals. It’s also about being prepared for success by creating healthy habits that will last you for life. The good news is, there are so many things you can do now to get started on your journey toward weight loss—and beyond!

Know your, why?

Knowing why you want to lose weight is important. It can be a motivating factor, help you stay on track, and even put a positive spin on things when they get tough.

  • Why do you want to lose weight? For example: “I want to fit into this dress by my sister’s wedding next year.”
  • Write down your answer somewhere where you will see it often—on your fridge or bathroom mirror, for example. This will serve as a constant reminder of why you’re working hard toward your goal!

Set goals and a plan

One of the most important things you can do to lose weight and keep it off is set goals. You may be thinking, “I already know how to set goals!” If so, great! But if not, read on.

It’s easy to get confused by the term “goals.” Some people think they have to write down a specific number they want their body mass index (BMI) or waist circumference to be in order for that goal to be valid—and if they don’t reach that number by the day after tomorrow, then what? That’s not what we’re talking about here! What we mean by setting goals is more akin to having an idea of where you’d like your life/health/body image/etcetera to be in general. Don’t worry about being too vague or ambitious; just start small with whatever seems realistic for now and build from there as time goes on.

For example: “I want my BMI down from 28 into the low 20s”; or “I want my waistline under 40 inches”; or even just something simple like “I want to feel good about myself.” These are all good starting points . . . but what next? How do we get from point A (wherever our current reality happens to be) towards point B? It helps immensely if there’s some sort of plan in place for how exactly we’ll achieve this change over time—and I’m talking months (if not years), not just days or weeks away from now! This is where many people stumble because they don’t realize just how much work goes into changing habits and lifestyle choices around food consumption patterns until it becomes too late…which leads us right back around again with burnout syndrome coming shortly thereafter…

Get organized

  • Set up a system for keeping track of your diet and exercise.
  • Make sure you have enough time to cook and prepare meals, as well as the energy to get through the day without falling in a food coma.
  • Schedule time each day for exercise, meditation or just relaxing with a book or show.
Weight Loss Planner
Grab my digital weight loss planner here!

In addition to the obvious benefits of eating a variety of foods, you’ll also be more likely to get all the nutrients you need. Research shows that people who eat more fruits and vegetables are healthier than those who don’t. If you choose healthy fats like olive oil and nuts, they can actually help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels!

Make Healthy Food Choices & Shop Smart

Whole grains are another good bet: They’re low in calories and high in fibre, which fills you up so that you eat less overall. The best part is that whole grains have been shown to lower diabetes risk too! Just skip over white breads or pastas; go for brown rice instead (or better yet—wild rice).

  • Shop smart. Buy fresh, whole foods that are high in fibre and low in sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fat. Look for foods that are high in vitamins and minerals. Choose foods that are low in calories but high in nutrients.
  • Eat smaller portions of food throughout the day instead of larger meals less often.
  • Don’t skip breakfast—it’s one of the most important meals of the day!

Meal Plan, Prep and Batch Cook

In order to lose weight and keep it off you will need to plan carefully. Planning your meals in advance is a great way to cut out diet-derailing behaviour and make healthy eating a part of your life for good.

Make sure that when you go shopping for food that you only buy what’s on the list, so that there are no temptations or opportunities for overspending. If possible, cook everything in large batches so that it can be stored in containers ready to go in the fridge or freezer (this is called batch cooking). This will save time and money when it comes to preparing meals, as well as giving yourself more variety which helps prevent boredom with food choices!

Focus on The Positive Instead of The Negative

Most people focus on their weight and how they look, but this is a bad idea. Instead of focusing on the negative (and what you don’t have), you should focus on the positive. Focus on how good it feels to get dressed in your favourite clothes or how beautiful your skin looks after a long, relaxing bath.

If you’re having trouble staying motivated, try creating a plan that helps keep you focused on what’s important. For example: if I want to lose 10 pounds before my sister’s wedding in May, then I’ll need to lose 1 pound per week for 5 weeks (5 pounds). That means I need to eat 100 fewer calories each day for 5 weeks.

Start Small and Make Changes Over Time

If you’ve been carrying around those extra pounds for years, it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the thought of losing them. But instead of trying to make huge changes all at once, focus on something small and build from there. Start by drinking more water or setting aside some time before every meal to walk around in place. The idea is that as you get used to these new behaviours they’ll become second nature—so much so that eventually they’ll be your new habit instead of the old one.

Also take note of what you’re doing right now—even if it’s just eating a healthy breakfast every morning or going for a walk after dinner, those are things worth keeping up with! When we change our habits too drastically all at once, our bodies may go into shock, which can cause us to eat more than usual because we don’t have any other way of coping with the change just yet. If we do this over time though (and maybe even see results!), then our bodies will adjust accordingly and start feeling better about themselves when given healthier options than before.

Schedule Time For Movement Throughout The Day

One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is thinking that they can work out for an hour or two and then return to their sedentary lifestyle. The truth is, you need to be moving regularly throughout the day, even if it’s just taking a few minutes here and there.

Here are some ways you can make this happen:

  • Get up from your desk every 30 minutes and walk around.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator whenever possible (and if it isn’t possible).
  • Go for a walk during lunch break instead of sitting at your desk eating/checking emails/watching YouTube videos on your phone.

It’s Important To Make Small Changes To Your Lifestyle

The first step to losing weight and keeping it off is learning how to make small changes in your life. It’s important not to try and do everything at once, because that way you can more easily keep up with these habits over time and avoid dropping them because they become too difficult or demanding.

Small changes are easier to maintain over time and less overwhelming than big ones. For example, instead of focusing on the goal of eating five servings of vegetables every day, start by adding one serving of vegetables with each meal until you reach five total servings per day. This is much easier than trying to add all five servings at once!

Small changes are also easier to keep up with than big ones. When we talk about making small changes in our lives, we’re talking about something that’s easy enough for us not only today but tomorrow as well—and next week and next month as well! That way we don’t get overwhelmed by all the work involved in making those big goals happen right away; instead we focus on taking small steps toward those goals one day at a time so that when we look back after six months or even two years later (or longer) there will be no question whether or not those behaviours stuck around long enough for us see results from them.


I hope you find these tips helpful in your journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Remember that it’s important not to try and do everything at once–just start small, stick with it over time, and make changes as they feel right for you. If all else fails (which let’s face it, happens), remember that there are plenty of other ways beyond dieting that can help keep off those extra pounds!

If you’re not sure about dieting, here’s an alternative route you might want to think about. An ingredient you simply add to your favourite morning tea. There’s a link to the video which explains everything. Good Luck!!

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